Welcome to Bean Dynamic

Bean Dynamic is a friendly gaming community seeking to unite people online and at gaming events. From MMO players, to FPS gamers, to people who just play party games, we welcome anyone who wants to join us to play and chat in our discord or at live events.

Donate To Support Our Work

Bean Dynamic is run entirely by volunteers, and expenses incurred are generally paid for by staff. If you find our services or community useful, please consider donating!









The next event Bean Dynamic will be attending is EPIC43 on the 24th of October to the 27th of October 2024. If you want to join us, check out our Discord to sign up and hang out with our community! 

Check out our i69 recap video:

Take A Look At What We Do

The Bean Team

Thomas Robinson

Thomas maintains the website game servers, and custom bots for our discord server. He is an essential cog in making Bean run smoothly. Thomas is often found playing modded Minecraft on our community server.

Megan Clemons

Megan assists with running events and is social media manager for our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts. She is often found enjoying Area 11, or watching Costco haul videos in Discord.

Dafydd Furnham

Daf assists with event organisation, software development and payments engineering. You often find him hanging out in our text and voice channels pondering important things, like life, existence and what to have for tea.

Oliver Dene

A recent addition to our team, our resident film photographer and grandma cosplayer supports Bean Dynamic with events planning for our outings! At events you can usually find him labelling his friends with his label maker or blinding his friends with his camera.


Do you have solitaire on your computer box?

Grandma Edith

10/10 would eat beans?

Louisa Phillips

I love Bean Dynamic


Well near the bog

Moderator Meg

Interested in joining us?

Click here to visit our Discord server!