Katie Joanna


It is with an utter sense of loss that I have to tell you that Katie Joanna Vanes passed away in the early hours of 12/04/23. Katie lived with severe anxiety and ADHD and, despite having diagnoses, the waiting list for ADHD medication is years and she was not able to live with the gruelling anxiety nor with the destructive effect that the ADHD had upon her life. She tried hard to hold on but it took longer than she could live with. Katie would never have wanted to cause anyone pain through her death and asked that her life be celebrated.

Katie was a creative, talented, witty, fun, kind and deeply loved person who was a blessing to all of us who were lucky enough to know her.

Katie said: “I don’t regret the life I’ve had! I’ve been surrounded by a wonderful community of friends, I love spending nights on discord with you, attending events, laughing till I cry. All of the Insomnias and MCMs, running through the streets of Reading singing naruto OPs at 3am, building a community in Bean Dynamic, winning cosplay competitions, its been great. I’m truly honoured to have been a part of it and I don’t know what I would have done without those times.”

Helen, Katie's mother