Bean Dynamic - Our Rules

These rules apply to our Discord server and to your conduct when attending events with us. We want to keep the community a welcoming a friendly place for all.


  1. You must be 18+ to join Bean Dynamic.
      • This is a rolling rule, implemented on 01/10/2023. Users who joined before this date are excluded from the rule.
  2. Be polite to clan members and others you meet at events. You are a representative of our clan. We do NOT accept any form of harassment or discrimination against any members of our clan, based on any characteristics under the Equality Act 2010.
      • Acceptance and tolerance are at the core of Bean Dynamic.
      • Be excellent to each other.
  3. Please keep NSFW content out of the Discord server. While it is an 18+ server, we want to keep the atmosphere friendly and appropriate for all members of our clan.
      • Humorous, not safe for work discussions may occur in chats from time to time. Spare the details, and ensure your discussions are age appropriate.
  4. Please ask a member of staff before advertising in the Discord server. 
  5. No offensive or annoying names and profile pictures in the Bean Dynamic.
      • Please keep any nicknames and profile pictures appropriate, including ensuring that your username contains no zalgo, special characters (anything you cannot type on a QWERTY keyboard) or zero-width spaces.
      • This also includes attempting to impersonate a staff member by changing your username.
  6. Avoid posting false or misleading information.
      • Humorous misinformation is fine if the content is obviously false. This could include posting memes or starting the cult of the perfectly opened yoghurt.
  7. Keep political discussion to a minimum.
      • Intolerant views will NOT be accepted in Bean Dynamic. This includes bothsidesing – if you are just ‘making a point’ for the sake of provoking discussion – please don’t!
  8. Please keep conversations light-hearted.
      • We understand that heavier topics may come up, and we encourage facilitating a space where people feel safe to talk about themselves, but please keep triggering topics out of Bean Dynamic where possible.
      • Find support resources by clicking here, or for LGBTQ+ specific support resources, click here.
  9. Staff decisions are final. If you would like to query a decision, please speak to a member of staff, or DM @Bean on Discord.

Disciplinary Action

Small discrepancies can be dealt with via verbal warning. The offending poster must understand and accept the warning (not fight back) or the matter may be escalated to a higher level. 3 warnings can result in a time out, duration depending on the type of offense.
Small discrepancies are classified as basic inappropriate messages or posting mildly offensive content.

Purposefully posting NSFW (pornographic materials etc), discriminatory content (as dictated in rule 2) or targeted harassment counts as a major discrepancy. There will be an instant time out of a minimum of 24hrs. This type of discrepancy will be discussed between staff and there may be further consequences such as a ban in extreme circumstances.

3 major discrepancies will always result in a ban.

Any type of action will be recorded by staff (including a link to the chat log of offending content, action, and reason for the action taken).
After taking action, staff will communicate with the offending person what action was taken, what rule was broken, and how, via dm or our bot.

Server raiders are exempt from this, and a ban can be issued without explanation.